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“The most important reference book on the subject of medical cannabis written in the past twenty years.”

Steve DeAngelo

 Co-Founder Harborside Health Center, Oakland, California


For more information click here

Uwe Blesching Ph.D Opioid Addiction

"A much-needed contribution in this time of grave concern regarding the epidemic of abuse, addiction, and death related to opioids.”

David E. Presti,

UC Berkeley, author of Foundational Concepts in Neuroscience:

A Brain-Mind Odyssey


“An excellent and current review of cannabis therapeutics from an expert perspective.”

Michael Backes

Author of Cannabis Pharmacy: The Practical Guide to Medical Marijuana



Uwe Blesching Ph.D author Cannabis health Index & Opioid Addiction

Uwe Blesching is the author of multiple books in the areas of cannabinoid health sciences and mind-body medicine. A former San Francisco paramedic with a lifelong interest in Integrative Medicine, Uwe was inspired to focus his Ph.D. studies on alternative healing and then share his decades of expertise through his writing. Most recently, Uwe has been Co-founder and Chief Science Officer at CannaKeys 360 ̊, an online platform designed to demystify the science of the endocannabinoid system.


Before Cannakeys 360° (CK 360°), exploring the science of the endocannabinoid system was a complicated and time consuming process. It meant combing through study links, searching various keywords, and scanning search results so as to be able to make more informed and discerning decisions about cannabis as an effective health care option, if it was contraindicated, or if the results were as of yet inconclusive. All that changed when CK 360° was launched in 2021. The CK 360° platform with its dashboard displays the relevant science at your fingertips for easy access. To see what the science says about cannabis or cannabinoid-based therapeutics in the treatment context for over 240 medical (mostly chronic) conditions click here.


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